Bee Pollen 蜂花粉 130G
Product SKU: 01001901Bee Pollen 蜂花粉 130G
Bee Pollen is the male seed of a flower blossom that are gathered by the bees and mixed with its own digestive enzymes. When it mixes with honey become Bee Bread and is a natural source of protein to the larvae.
- 食用方法:每日2次、可直接咀嚼或花粉加蜂蜜
- 以1:4的比例加入水中(建议早晚空腹或运动完后饮用)
Bee Pollen Benefits :
Best for blood disorder, kidney disease, chronic fatigue, capillary weakness, anemia, increase energy and vitality as well to inhibit the development of numerous harmful bacteria.
蜂花粉功效 :
Manfaat Debunga lebah
Sesuai bagi penghidap masalah darah, buah pinggang, kelesuan, kelemahan kapilari, anemia, meningkatkan stamina dan tenaga, serta mencegah pembiakan bakteria yang tidak baik.
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