Bee Brood Honey 蜂子蜜 500G

Product SKU: 01000901


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Bee Brood Honey 蜂子蜜 500G

Bee Brood Honey knowns as the bee larva, is child of various bee kinds or; more precisely, is the male larvae and harvested shortly prior to hatching. Bee larva is brought up on honey and pollen. Honey becomes a calorie source, so it’s conceivable that the nutritional component is derived from the pollen, same as Royal Jelly.

蜂子蜜是由蜂蜜与蜂子混合在一起的天然产品。蜂子是女王蜂的幼虫,在王巢中长大。女王蜂子又称为3日蜂子,蜂农为生产蜂子,必须先收集蜂王乳的王巢中放入约3 日的蜂幼虫,工蜂们为了养成新的女蜂王,会不断的分泌一种乳白色凝胶状分泌物 - 蜂王乳喂食该王巢中的女蜂子,待王巢中的蜂王乳填滿后即可進行采收。因此女王蜂子吃的食物只有蜂王乳,其营养价值很高。 蜂子的主要成分是胺基酸(蛋白质的构成成分)、维生素矿物质。




Benefits of Bee Brood Honey

  • Contains high protein, maintains and improve total mental function
  • Improves the problems of balding and hair falling.
  • Strengthens up the immune system, overcomes fatigue, treats tinnitus, hearing disability and dizziness, prevent cold and influenza.


蜂子蜜功效 :

  • 含高蛋白质。久服对人有光泽、脸色好、不易衰老
  • 改善秃头和头发掉落等问题。
  • 增强免疫系统、克服疲劳、治疗耳鸣、听觉障碍、头晕及预防感冒。

Manfaat Madu Larva Lebah :

  • Mempunyai khasiat protein yang tinggi dan Anti-Penuaan
  • Membantu mereka yang mengahadapi masalah keguguran rambut.
  • Menguatkan sistem imunisasi badan, mencegah kelesuan, membantu mengatasi masalah pendengaran dan rasa pening, serta mampu mencegah demam atau selsema.


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