Green Propolis Honey

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Green Propolis Honey

  • Green Propolis Honey is a unique blend of honey and propolis, which is a sticky resin sourced from the buds and bark of specific trees, primarily conifers. Bees collect this substance, often referred to as "bee glue," by transporting it in their pollen baskets. They subsequently combine it with wax flakes secreted from specialized glands on their abdomens. Notably, green propolis is rich in antiseptic properties and has been shown to effectively alleviate the symptoms associated with gastritis and peptic ulcers.

  • 绿蜂胶蜂蜜是蜂蜜和蜂胶的独特混合物,蜂胶是一种粘稠的树脂,来源于特定树木(主要是针叶树)的芽和树皮。蜜蜂通过花粉篮收集这种通常被称为“蜂胶”的物质。随后,它们将其与腹部特殊腺体分泌的蜡片混合。值得注意的是,绿蜂胶具有丰富的抗菌特性,已被证明能有效缓解胃炎和消化性溃疡的症状。

  • Madu Propolis Hijau adalah gabungan antara madu dan propolis, ia merupakan resin melekit yang diperoleh daripada tunas dan kulit pokok tertentu, terutamanya konifer. Lebah mengumpulkan bahan ini, sering dikenali sebagai "gam lebah," dengan membawanya dalam bakul debunga lebah. Lebah menggabungkannya dengan kepingan lilin yang dirembeskan daripada kelenjar khusus pada perut mereka. Propolis hijau terutamanya kaya dengan sifat antiseptik dan telah terbukti berkesan dalam mengurangkan gejala yang berkaitan dengan gastritis dan ulser peptik.

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• Activates the thymus gland and therefore strengthens the immune system
• Stimulates white blood cells
• Has a protective effect against virus infections (cold,flu,herpes),rheumatic fever,respiratory infections,inflammation
• Protects against side effect of irradiation
• Protects against damage to liver cells
• Promotes healing of sores,wounds,acne,blemishes,eczema

• 激活胸腺,从而增强免疫系统
• 刺激白细胞
• 具有预防病毒感染(感冒、流感、疱疹)、风湿热、呼吸道感染、炎症的作用
• 防止辐射副作用
• 防止肝细胞受损
• 促进疮、伤口、痤疮、瑕疵、湿疹的愈合。

• Mengaktifkan kelenjar timus dan menguatkan sistem imun
• Merangsang sel darah putih
• Mempunyai kesan perlindungan terhadap jangkitan virus (selsema biasa,influenza,herpes),demam reumatik,jangkitan pernafasan,keradangan.
• Melindungi daripada kesan sampingan penyinaran radiasi.
• Melindungi daripada kerosakan sel hati.
• Menggalakkan penyembuhan kudis,luka,jerawat,jeragat,ekzema.

Here are the recommendations:

1. Combine 250 ml of water with 30 g of honey,which is approximately 2 tablespoons.

2. Direct consume 1 tablespoon (15g) in the morning or before sleep.

Feel free to adjust the sweetness of the drink according to your personal preference.

Do not refrigerate honey ,as refrigerating can actually expedite the crystallization process. For optimal preservation,it is best to store honey at room temperature in a cool,dry location.

Natural honey does not have an expiration date. When honey is labeled with an expiry date,it is primarily to comply with food manufacturing regulations.

Green Propolis Honey

  • Green Propolis Honey is a unique blend of honey and propolis, which is a sticky resin sourced from the buds and bark of specific trees, primarily conifers. Bees collect this substance, often referred to as "bee glue," by transporting it in their pollen baskets. They subsequently combine it with wax flakes secreted from specialized glands on their abdomens. Notably, green propolis is rich in antiseptic properties and has been shown to effectively alleviate the symptoms associated with gastritis and peptic ulcers.

  • 绿蜂胶蜂蜜是蜂蜜和蜂胶的独特混合物,蜂胶是一种粘稠的树脂,来源于特定树木(主要是针叶树)的芽和树皮。蜜蜂通过花粉篮收集这种通常被称为“蜂胶”的物质。随后,它们将其与腹部特殊腺体分泌的蜡片混合。值得注意的是,绿蜂胶具有丰富的抗菌特性,已被证明能有效缓解胃炎和消化性溃疡的症状。

  • Madu Propolis Hijau adalah gabungan antara madu dan propolis, ia merupakan resin melekit yang diperoleh daripada tunas dan kulit pokok tertentu, terutamanya konifer. Lebah mengumpulkan bahan ini, sering dikenali sebagai "gam lebah," dengan membawanya dalam bakul debunga lebah. Lebah menggabungkannya dengan kepingan lilin yang dirembeskan daripada kelenjar khusus pada perut mereka. Propolis hijau terutamanya kaya dengan sifat antiseptik dan telah terbukti berkesan dalam mengurangkan gejala yang berkaitan dengan gastritis dan ulser peptik.

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