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Tualang Wild Honey (Gold)
Contains natural antimicrobial and antioxidant,helps anemia disease,low blood pressure,regulate gastrointestinal function. Reduce the risk of heart and respiratory diseases,helps against acid reflux,combat infectious disease,curing cough and acts as a soothing agent for sore throats.
Mengandungi antimikrob dan antioksidan semulajadi,membantu penyakit anemia,tekanan darah rendah,mengawal fungsi gastrousus. Mengurangkan risiko penyakit jantung dan pernafasan,membantu melawan refluks asid,memerangi penyakit berjangkit,menyembuhkan batuk dan bertindak sebagai agen menenangkan untuk sakit tekak.
Tualang Wild Honey (Gold)
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Tualang Wild Honey (Gold)
- Tualang Wild Honey Gold (TH) is a prized Malaysian jungle honey produced by giant bees (Apis dorsata) in the tall Tualang tree, which can exceed 300 feet in height. Harvested every 3-4 months, its flavor ranges from bitter to sweet, sour, and floral. Collecting this honey is challenging, contributing to its high value in Malaysia.
- Tualang 野蜂蜜 (TH) 是一种马来西亚珍贵的丛林蜂蜜,由巨型蜜蜂 (Apis dorsata) 在高大的 Tualang 树上生产,树高可达 300 英尺以上。每 3-4 个月采收一次,其味道从苦到甜、酸到花香不等。采收这种蜂蜜很有挑战性,这也是其在马来西亚价值很高的原因之一。
- Tualang Wild Honey Gold (TH) ialah madu hutan Malaysia berharga yang dihasilkan oleh lebah gergasi (Apis dorsata) dalam pokok Tualang yang tinggi, yang boleh melebihi ketinggian 300 kaki. Dituai setiap 3-4 bulan, rasanya berkisar dari pahit hingga manis, masam dan berbunga. Oleh sebab, Proses pengumpulan madu ini amat mencabar,menjadikannya produk yang sangat bernilai di Malaysia.
Here are the recommendations:
1. Combine 250 ml of water with 30 g of honey,which is approximately 2 tablespoons.
2. Direct consume 1 tablespoon (15g) in the morning or after meal.
Feel free to adjust the sweetness of the drink according to your personal preference.
1. Combine 250 ml of water with 30 g of honey,which is approximately 2 tablespoons.
2. Direct consume 1 tablespoon (15g) in the morning or after meal.
Feel free to adjust the sweetness of the drink according to your personal preference.
Do not refrigerate honey ,as refrigerating can actually expedite the crystallization process. For optimal preservation,it is best to store honey at room temperature in a cool,dry location.
Natural wild honey does not have an expiration date. When honey is labeled with an expiry date,it is primarily to comply with food manufacturing regulations.
Tualang Wild Honey (Gold)
- Tualang Wild Honey Gold (TH) is a prized Malaysian jungle honey produced by giant bees (Apis dorsata) in the tall Tualang tree, which can exceed 300 feet in height. Harvested every 3-4 months, its flavor ranges from bitter to sweet, sour, and floral. Collecting this honey is challenging, contributing to its high value in Malaysia.
- Tualang 野蜂蜜 (TH) 是一种马来西亚珍贵的丛林蜂蜜,由巨型蜜蜂 (Apis dorsata) 在高大的 Tualang 树上生产,树高可达 300 英尺以上。每 3-4 个月采收一次,其味道从苦到甜、酸到花香不等。采收这种蜂蜜很有挑战性,这也是其在马来西亚价值很高的原因之一。
- Tualang Wild Honey Gold (TH) ialah madu hutan Malaysia berharga yang dihasilkan oleh lebah gergasi (Apis dorsata) dalam pokok Tualang yang tinggi, yang boleh melebihi ketinggian 300 kaki. Dituai setiap 3-4 bulan, rasanya berkisar dari pahit hingga manis, masam dan berbunga. Oleh sebab, Proses pengumpulan madu ini amat mencabar,menjadikannya produk yang sangat bernilai di Malaysia.
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