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Bee Brood Honey
• Contains high protein,and improves total mental function
• Improves the problems of balding and hair falling.
• Strengthens the immune system,overcomes fatigue,helps in tinnitus, hearing disability and dizziness,prevent cold and influenza.
• 含有高蛋白质,维持和改善整体心理功能
• 改善秃头、脱发问题。
• 增强免疫系统,克服疲劳,有助于治疗耳鸣、听力障碍和头晕,预防感冒和流感。
• Mengandungi protein yang tinggi,mengekalkan dan meningkatkan fungsi mental keseluruhan
• Memperbaiki masalah rambut gugur.
• Menguatkan sistem imun,mengatasi keletihan,merawat tinnitus,ketidakupayaan pendengaran dan pening,mencegah selsema dan influenza.
Bee Brood Honey
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Bee Brood Honey
- Bee Brood Honey known as the bee larva, is baby of various bee kinds or; more precisely, is the male larva and harvested shortly prior to hatching. Bee larva is brought up on honey and pollen. Honey becomes a calorie source, so it’s conceivable that the nutritional component is derived from the pollen, same as Royal Jelly.
- 蜂子蜜是由蜂蜜与蜂子混合在一起的天然产品。蜂子是女王蜂的幼虫,在王巢中长大。女王蜂子又称为3日蜂子,蜂农为生产蜂子,必须先收集蜂王乳的王巢中放入约3 日的蜂幼虫,工蜂们为了养成新的女蜂王,会不断的分泌一种乳白色凝胶状分泌物 - 蜂王乳喂食该王巢中的女蜂子,待王巢中的蜂王乳填滿后即可進行采收。因此女王蜂子吃的食物只有蜂王乳,其营养价值很高。 蜂子的主要成分是胺基酸(蛋白质的构成成分)、维生素和矿物质。
- Madu Induk Lebah dikenali sebagai larva lebah, merupakan anak dari pelbagai jenis lebah atau; lebih tepat lagi ialah larva jantan dan dituai sejurus sebelum menetas. Larva lebah dibesarkan pada madu dan debunga. Madu menjadi sumber kalori, jadi boleh dibayangkan bahawa komponen pemakanan berasal dari debunga, sama seperti Royal Jelly.
• Contains high protein,and improves total mental function
• Improves the problems of balding and hair falling.
• Strengthens the immune system,overcomes fatigue,helps in tinnitus, hearing disability and dizziness,prevent cold and influenza.
• 含有高蛋白质,维持和改善整体心理功能
• 改善秃头、脱发问题。
• 增强免疫系统,克服疲劳,有助于治疗耳鸣、听力障碍和头晕,预防感冒和流感。
• Mengandungi protein yang tinggi,mengekalkan dan meningkatkan fungsi mental keseluruhan
• Memperbaiki masalah rambut gugur.
• Menguatkan sistem imun,mengatasi keletihan,merawat tinnitus,ketidakupayaan pendengaran dan pening,mencegah selsema dan influenza.
Here are the recommendations:
1. Combine 250 ml of water with 30 g of honey,which is approximately 2 tablespoons.
2. Direct consume 1 tablespoon (15g) in the morning or after meal.
Feel free to adjust the sweetness of the drink according to your personal preference.
1. Combine 250 ml of water with 30 g of honey,which is approximately 2 tablespoons.
2. Direct consume 1 tablespoon (15g) in the morning or after meal.
Feel free to adjust the sweetness of the drink according to your personal preference.
Do not refrigerate honey ,as refrigerating can actually expedite the crystallization process. For optimal preservation,it is best to store honey at room temperature in a cool,dry location.
Natural honey does not have an expiration date. When honey is labeled with an expiry date,it is primarily to comply with food manufacturing regulations.
Bee Brood Honey
- Bee Brood Honey known as the bee larva, is baby of various bee kinds or; more precisely, is the male larva and harvested shortly prior to hatching. Bee larva is brought up on honey and pollen. Honey becomes a calorie source, so it’s conceivable that the nutritional component is derived from the pollen, same as Royal Jelly.
- 蜂子蜜是由蜂蜜与蜂子混合在一起的天然产品。蜂子是女王蜂的幼虫,在王巢中长大。女王蜂子又称为3日蜂子,蜂农为生产蜂子,必须先收集蜂王乳的王巢中放入约3 日的蜂幼虫,工蜂们为了养成新的女蜂王,会不断的分泌一种乳白色凝胶状分泌物 - 蜂王乳喂食该王巢中的女蜂子,待王巢中的蜂王乳填滿后即可進行采收。因此女王蜂子吃的食物只有蜂王乳,其营养价值很高。 蜂子的主要成分是胺基酸(蛋白质的构成成分)、维生素和矿物质。
- Madu Induk Lebah dikenali sebagai larva lebah, merupakan anak dari pelbagai jenis lebah atau; lebih tepat lagi ialah larva jantan dan dituai sejurus sebelum menetas. Larva lebah dibesarkan pada madu dan debunga. Madu menjadi sumber kalori, jadi boleh dibayangkan bahawa komponen pemakanan berasal dari debunga, sama seperti Royal Jelly.
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