Diamond Honey Comb

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Diamond Honey Comb

  • Honeycomb is a natural product created by honey bees to store honey, pollen, and to house their larvae. It is composed of a series of hexagonal cells constructed from beeswax, typically filled with pure honey.
  • The flavor of honeycomb is sweet, rich, and uniquely delightful, offering a chewy texture that is high in carbohydrates and antioxidants. It is harvested directly from the beehive and placed into containers for consumption. As with any sweet treat, it is advisable to enjoy honeycomb in moderation to fully appreciate its health benefits.

  • 蜂巢是蜜蜂用来储存蜂蜜、花粉和幼虫的天然产物。它是一系列由蜂蜡制成的六角形蜂房组成,通常充满纯蜂蜜。
  • 蜂巢的味道甜美、浓郁、独特而令人愉悦,口感有嚼劲,富含碳水化合物和抗氧化剂。蜂巢直接从蜂巢中采摘,放入容器中食用。与任何甜食一样,建议适量享用蜂巢,以充分享受其健康益处。

  • Sarang lebah adalah produk semulajadi yang dicipta oleh lebah madu untuk menyimpan madu, debunga, dan menempatkan larva mereka. Ia terdiri daripada satu siri sel heksagon yang dibina daripada lilin lebah, biasanya diisi dengan madu tulen.
  • Rasa sarang lebah manis, kaya dan unik, menawarkan tekstur kenyal yang tinggi dengan karbohidrat dan antioksidan. Ia dituai terus dari sarang lebah dan dimasukkan ke dalam bekas untuk dimakan. Seperti mana-mana hidangan manis, adalah dinasihatkan untuk menikmati sarang lebah secara sederhana untuk menghargai sepenuhnya manfaat kesihatannya.


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Multiflora Honey

  • Honeycomb is rich in antioxidants,prebiotics,vitamins A and B,as well as trace amounts of fiber. It contributes to the prevention of cell damage and promotes gut health.

  • 蜂巢富含抗氧化剂、益生元、维生素 A 和 B,以及微量纤维,有助于预防细胞损伤并促进肠道健康。

  • Sarang lebah kaya dengan antioksidan,prebiotik,vitamin A dan B,dan pelbagai mineral surih yang tinggi. Ia membantu pencegahan kerosakan sel dan menggalakkan kesihatan usus.
  • Eat It Raw
  • Simply cut a piece of honeycomb and chew it as it is. The wax can be chewed like gum,and you may swallow or discard it.
    Spread on Bread
  • Spread honeycomb over toast while it's still hot.
    Add to Salads
  • Add chunks of honeycomb to your salad with mixed greens,goat cheese,walnuts or pecans,and blueberries. Honeycomb pairs well with roast beetroot and goat's cheese salad,rocket,pear,and parmesan,or roast vegetable salad.

  • 1.Room Temperature Storage: Keep honeycomb in an airtight container at room temperature,ideally in a cool,dry location. Honey is a natural preservative and has a long shelf life without the need for refrigeration.

    2.Protection from Sunlight: Store the container in a dark area,away from direct sunlight and excessive heat,as exposure to heat can negatively impact the flavor and texture of the honey.

    Honey Comb does not have an expiration date. When honey is labeled with an expiry date,it is primarily to comply with food manufacturing regulations.

    Diamond Honey Comb

    • Honeycomb is a natural product created by honey bees to store honey, pollen, and to house their larvae. It is composed of a series of hexagonal cells constructed from beeswax, typically filled with pure honey.
    • The flavor of honeycomb is sweet, rich, and uniquely delightful, offering a chewy texture that is high in carbohydrates and antioxidants. It is harvested directly from the beehive and placed into containers for consumption. As with any sweet treat, it is advisable to enjoy honeycomb in moderation to fully appreciate its health benefits.

    • 蜂巢是蜜蜂用来储存蜂蜜、花粉和幼虫的天然产物。它是一系列由蜂蜡制成的六角形蜂房组成,通常充满纯蜂蜜。
    • 蜂巢的味道甜美、浓郁、独特而令人愉悦,口感有嚼劲,富含碳水化合物和抗氧化剂。蜂巢直接从蜂巢中采摘,放入容器中食用。与任何甜食一样,建议适量享用蜂巢,以充分享受其健康益处。

    • Sarang lebah adalah produk semulajadi yang dicipta oleh lebah madu untuk menyimpan madu, debunga, dan menempatkan larva mereka. Ia terdiri daripada satu siri sel heksagon yang dibina daripada lilin lebah, biasanya diisi dengan madu tulen.
    • Rasa sarang lebah manis, kaya dan unik, menawarkan tekstur kenyal yang tinggi dengan karbohidrat dan antioksidan. Ia dituai terus dari sarang lebah dan dimasukkan ke dalam bekas untuk dimakan. Seperti mana-mana hidangan manis, adalah dinasihatkan untuk menikmati sarang lebah secara sederhana untuk menghargai sepenuhnya manfaat kesihatannya.

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